Clients Served
in the last year
302 women + 305 kids

Professions of Faith
in the last year
Moved into permanent housing
in the last year

Women got jobs
in the last year
Meals served
in the last 12 Months

Success Stories
I came to The Dream Center in October of 2014. I was homeless and unemployed. The man I was living with had spent our rent money and I didn’t have any place to go. So my son and I went to the Dream Center. Since being at The Dream Center I have enrolled in college and am in the work/study program. I am the first in my family to attend college. My son now has access to tutors who come to the center each day. His grades have improved and is doing well in school.
I have surrendered my life to God and now have a real relationship with Jesus Christ. My son and I have been baptized. God has opened so many doors for me through The Dream Center. I thank God everyday for leading me to the center so I could learn more about Him and lead a better life for me and my son.
I just want to thank Ms. Gail and her staff for all they have done for us.
Former Resident
The Dream Center has been life-changing for me. When I came into the Dream Center, I was broken, I had really bad anxiety, I was using drugs, and I was an alcoholic. I was also in the process of losing custody of my children, but the Dream Center gave me hope again.
Not even two months into being into the Dream Center, I was able to get my son enrolled in school. We were in a safe, warm home where we felt comfortable. We didn't need for anything. The Dream Center provided for us. I was able to keep custody of my children. Three months down the line, I got a very great job at West Tennessee Healthcare, working in patient registration where I've been up until now. I'll also be starting school to get my nursing degree. I just feel like the Dream Center is an awesome place. If you would have asked me a year ago, would I be in the position that I'm in now, I wouldn't believe it.
I'm so thankful for the Dream Center. God has his hand in this place. I feel like anybody that wants to get their life on track, to be a better person, a better parent, or just be closer to God; the Dream Center is the place for that. I'm just thankful for everyone that plays a part in the Dream Center.
I was 14 when I started using drugs. At 15, I had a child who was disabled. She had cerebral palsy and was partially deaf in both ears. When I was around 25, I lost custody of my daughter and my mom died from lung cancer. That's when my addiction really took hold of me. I started shooting up and was using heavy drugs every week. I then became an exotic dancer. I got custody of my daughter back, but I was still using heavy drugs so I lost custody of her again.
I came to the Dream Center and Ms. Gail asked me a few questions and prayed with me. From that moment on, it changed my life forever. I found God. I have an intimate relationship with the Lord. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I've been baptized by water. I found my home. I found my family. God has taken me on this journey with him, and I wouldn't give it up for anything in the world.
I have gained spiritual healing from the abuse by my grandfather and my dad, and neglect from my mother. I have a really good job, a brand new car, and God has just blessed me. I wish everyone could get this blessing from the Lord.
former Resident
I was at The Dream Center for a total of eight months. When I arrived at the center in February of 2015 I was broken mentally and spiritually. When I arrived at the Dream Center for my interview and met with Ms. Gail. She said one thing that I will always remember, “God sent me here for a reason.” I continued my temp job and also did what was required of me by attending chapel, doing chores, and raising donations. Through my journey I realized that God Loves Me!
My connection with God became marvelous. The weights I had been carrying were lifted. Peace, love, joy, gratefulness, entered my life. THANK GOD I’M FREE! Once I totally and truly surrendered to God, I had been set free. I have crossed over to a new world. No more only giving Him pieces of me; he has all of me.
Former Resident
My husband and I became homeless March 2020. We were homeless for 3 1/2 years, living in our mini van. It was very bad conditions with no bed to sleep in, no where to bathe or use the bathroom. My husband was very abusive during our 8 years of marriage. I was very broken and depressed. August of 2023 my husband passed away due to our living conditions. That was when all the abuse and suffering stopped for good. Authorities got me in touch with the Dream Center and I came here as a resident. It has changed my life so much. I have a true family that loves and cares about me. The classes like Crossing to Freedom and 180, Getting Your Life on Target have taught me to forgive all the people that have wronged and hurt me. I'm learning to budget my money so I can have a house of my own some day. I'm learning to sew and enjoy the creative arts and crafts. I got saved and baptized and I am learning more about God and walking closer with Him. The counseling has helped so much with all I have been through. Mrs. Gail is also there for me when something is troubling me or just need someone to talk to. Mrs. Robin and the staff help me out with anything I need. I have changed so much since I have been here at the Dream Center. This is my true family that loves and cares about me and wants me.I have surrendered my life to God and now have a real relationship with Jesus Christ. My son and I have been baptized. God has opened so many doors for me through The Dream Center. I thank God everyday for leading me to the center so I could learn more about Him and lead a better life for me and my son.
I just want to thank Ms. Gail and her staff for all they have done for us.